On December 11, the Order of Malta Clinic, in partnership with St. Vincent de Paul of Alameda County, hosted its second podiatry clinic of the year, providing essential foot care to those experiencing homelessness in Oakland.
The Order of Malta Clinic, in partnership with St. Vincent de Paul of Alameda County, recently hosted a free podiatry clinic, offering foot care and support to those experiencing homelessness in Oakland.
The Clinic celebrates its reopening and expanded capacity with official ribbon cutting and press event.
Dr. Susan Fernyak sits down with KTVU’s Andre Senior to discuss the reopening and expansion of the Clinic.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and the Order of Malta Clinic, thanks to our partnership with Sutter Health, is making sure underserved women in our community have access to state-of-the-art breast cancer screenings.
Save the date for the 15th Annual Champions Gala! The Silver Chalice Awards Dinner is scheduled for October 3, 2023, against the backdrop of the Golden Gate at the St. Francis Yacht Club in San Francisco.
Save the date for the 14th Annual Champions Gala! The Silver Chalice Awards Dinner is scheduled for September 27, 2022, against the backdrop of the Golden Gate at the St. Francis Yacht Club in San Francisco.
The Order of Malta Clinic of Northern California was recently featured in the March Issue of the Catholic Voice. Read the full article here.
The Order of Malta Clinic of Northern California celebrated its 13th Annual Champions Gala on September 28 at the St. Francis Yacht Club in San Francisco. The event raised critical funds for the free medical clinic, that has been in operation for 13 years and served more that 40,000 patients.
The Clinic’s mission is to address health inequities, and during the COVID-19 pandemic, those gaps in access to care have become even more evident and acute. Consider the fact that more than 60 percent of Alameda County residents over the age of 16 are vaccinated, yet among low-income residents and people of color, the rate is closer to 40 percent.
With such a varied cadre of volunteer talent, the clinic started out with the simplest possible documentation system - namely paper. Doctors from different specialties, including retirees, were well-accustomed to taking paper notes. Administrative volunteers could easily file paper documents without software training.
Oakland’s Order of Malta Clinic of Northern California announced a telemedicine expansion May 6 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic limiting patients from visiting the facility in person.
“I am very grateful for this award,” Dr. Thomas Wallace said, “but it really is a shared award with the other 50 volunteers who staff our clinic.
After Coni passed away in 2012, Wallace was attending Mass one day, and a fellow worshipper told him about the Order of Malta free medical clinic across from Oakland’s Lake Merritt. “He suggested I volunteer there,” Wallace says.
The Order of Malta Clinic of Northern California, a nonprofit medical facility located in Oakland, held its 11th yearly gala at the St. Francis Yacht Club in San Francisco.
The Order of Malta of Northern California has started a mobile clinic to serve uninsured and homeless people..
One morning Vanchensuren, a Mongolian wife and mother of two young children, came to our Clinic desperately ill.
he Order of Malta Clinic of Northern California yesterday unveiled its new mobile clinic, which will bring healthcare to those in need throughout Alameda and Contra Costa counties.
The Clinic is dedicated to carrying forward the Order of Malta’s centuries-old mission of “upholding human dignity and caring for people in need.”
Now in our 10th year serving the poor and uninsured, the Order of Malta Clinic of Northern California will be reaching even more patients with a new 34-foot mobile health clinic.
Shao-Chieh is a 64 year old Chinese American who has lived the American dream. Unfortunately, he has now entered the American health system quagmire.
Instead of going to the emergency room, Pons gambled with his health. He has no health insurance and was afraid he’d struggle to pay any medical bills if he sought emergency help.
Medical clinics that serve the poor and uninsured typically only survive for a couple of years. The Order of Malta Clinic of Northern California is moving towards 10 years in operation and recently served its 25,000th patient.
The Order of Malta Clinic of Northern California is expecting to receive its 25,000th patient visit sometime in the spring of 2017.
By definition, a caregiver is a family member or paid helper who regularly looks after a child or a sick, elderly, or disabled person. But who cares for the caregiver?
Gordan first visited the Clinic back in 2017, where he presented medical conditions that are typical for most of our patients, including diabetes mellitus type 2, hyperlipidemia, and acute gastritis.
Nerjinder’s story is just one example of the commitment and partnerships that define the work of the Order of Malta Clinic.
Luke found us online when a disturbing wound on his leg finally led him to seek medical attention.
Francisco came in for his first appointment on a day when most businesses were closed for the holidays. However, luckily for him, the Order of Malta Clinic was open and caring for patients.
Tom Brown has lived most of his life in the shadows. Always fearful and worried about being discovered by someone who might break his trust or hurt him. He discovered the Clinic through the kindness and care of a couple who gave him shelter.
Bowing slowly, part of my cultural upbringing in showing respect, I pondered the sudden invitation to come in. I believe I may have hesitated for about 10 seconds, although it seemed much longer as I tried to quickly sort through a jumble of thoughts.
“I wanted to be an engineer, but my mom wanted me to be a nurse,” recalls Aida Salita, who has cared for patients for more than 10 years as a volunteer at the Order of Malta Clinic of Northern California.
“This reminds me of why I went into medicine in the first place,” remarked Dr. Louis Giorgi, Jr., as he reflected on his weekly volunteer time at the Order of Malta Clinic of Northern California.
Ron Connolly, RN, recounts his career journey in medicine and discusses what brought him to the Clinic.